Start here, now!

Set a timeline

Assuming that you are doing this part-time, it should take about 4 to 6 months to get through the content at a suitable learning pace. If you get serious about the optional courses and projects, it could take you 7 to 8 months. You can go faster if you work at it full-time, but don’t rush through.

Part time 7-month example schedule (adjust as you go along)

  • Part 1: 1 week
  • Part 2: 2 weeks (including cognitive walkthrough project)
  • Part 3: 2 weeks + 2 weeks for survey project
  • Part 4: 2 weeks + 2 weeks for redesign project
  • Part 5: 2 weeks (including content project)
  • Part 6: 3 weeks
  • Part 7: 2 weeks + 4 weeks for Design Thinking project
  • Part 8: 2 weeks + 2 weeks resume and portfolio preparation

The aim isn’t just to collect course certificates. It’s important to learn the content well enough that you can use it in your projects, talk about it in job interviews, and apply it in your new job! 

Find a study group

This is optional, but it really helps to find a group of other people who are going through the content at the same time as you. It keeps you on track and everyone benefits from the encouragement and insights.

If you’re really committed, your study group could discuss each course after you’ve all taken it. If less so, you could do weekly or monthly check-ins to ensure everyone’s staying engaged. 

If you don’t have any way to form a study group, there is a learning community for UX on the LinkedIn Learning platform. It’s not really a substitute for a dedicated group of people who are learning at the same pace as you but it’s better than nothing!

See the study group suggestions page for more detail.

Think of a project

Employers are looking for practical experience, so it helps to show how you’ve put your new knowledge into practice. What project could you undertake? Read through the projects page to see what will be required.

I can’t over-stress the importance of this part of the syllabus. The projects lead on from each other and together they form your portfolio. Take the time to find a company (small business, charity, or faith-based organization) that is prepared to work with you.

Find a mentor

Mentors should be someone who is in the UX field already. Not a super-senior role, but someone who knows the job. Anyone with 2 or more years experience would be suitable. This isn’t essential, and you shouldn’t lean on this person for learning assistance. But it’s helpful to have someone to turn to with specific questions.

There’s a section on finding mentors on the resources page.

Note: Every week each of the instructors get asked to mentor people. We can’t do that so please don’t ask.

Get access to the Learning Library

Subscribe to LinkedIn Learning. You get one free month, then the cost (in the USA) is $29/month, or just $20/month if you do an annual subscription. That’s less than $1/day!

You might find that your employer, school, or local library has accounts set up that you can use. Those are great, but they don’t always come with the premium features that you’ll find helpful when you’re looking for jobs. Some library-based accounts also don’t let you save course certificates to your own profile.  

Make a public commitment

Research shows that if you make a public commitment to doing something, you’re more likely to carry it through. Post on LinkedIn that you are starting this program, using the hashtag #uxsyllabus so that we can give you some encouragement!

Next – Part 1: What is UX?